Sunday, May 11, 2014

Desires of my Heart

God is so good!  He has given me another opportunity to go on an international mission trip, and He orchestrated it in a way only He could do:

When I came back from the Philippines, all I wanted to do was go back and serve.  I thought I was going to be a full-time missionary raising my support and going wherever the Lord wanted me with just my suitcase, passport and a willingness to help in whatever capacity needed.

Fast forward to the present... I have been teaching at the same school in Frisco, TX for the last seven years, married to a husband that loves the Lord and can handle my craziness, just bought a house, but still has a heart for the mission field.  My "summer" back in the States back in 2007, turned into a permanent residence here in Carrollton, Texas, and the Lord has been with me every step of the way, going before me and covering me with His grace.

This year, He has revealed how much of a mission field my classroom and school are.  My primary job there is to love.  To love not with my own strength, but with the LOVE that surpasses all understanding, the LOVE that casts out all fear, and the LOVE that never fails.  With that huge revelation filling that spot in my heart for missions, He gave me a gift to go back into the nations.

God is so so good!  He set up a divine appointment for me to meet Robin, a young woman who worked for the States' side of an organization in China training their future leaders (university students) with Kingdom principles.  After chatting about YWAM, teaching and missions, she suggested that I go this summer to volunteer at the one of their training camps.  I thought to myself, "China?  This summer?" When I looked at Charlie to see what he thought, he just said, "Go for it!"  My planning, logistical mind took a couple days to get over any fears and accept this gift of the desire of my heart to go out into all the world.


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