Wednesday, November 22, 2006

There's a First Time For Everything

My First Appearance in a Filipino Newspaper...
That's right I was interviewed and promptly mentioned in this article, from the Philippine Daily Inquirer. Hint the good part is about half way down under the heading of "No More Luxury of Sleep". It's only a small bit, but still kind of special.

My First Baby I Ate....
How can I call myself a true Filipino if I haven't yet eaten Balut? Well I have just remedied that, and I feel gross. What, you don't know what Balut is? Obviously you didn't click on the wikipedia link, so let me summarize. Balut is a fertilized duck egg with a nearly developed embryo inside, boiled and then eaten and enjoyed by many Filipinos. I am not one of those Filipinos. I gave it a try, and now I know it is not for me. So if your feeling adventurous I encourage you to try and eat something that you've never eaten, but are too scared to. Who knows you may find a new favorite food, or most probably you will be disgusted and want to throw up. But I suppose that's where real adventure lies, in doing things you've never done before.


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